Two new in-region hospitalizations, two medevacs and 174 new cases of COVID-19 in the YK Delta Aug. 20–26

During the week of August 20-26, YKHC reports two new in-region hospitalizations, two medevacs and 174 new cases of COVID-19 in the YK Delta.

Two In-Region Hospitalizations
YKHC reports that two COVID-19 positive individuals were admitted into the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Regional Hospital. These are the 171st and 172nd individuals hospitalized in-region with COVID-19.

Two Medevacs
Two COVID-19 positive individuals were medevac’d out-of-region for hospitalization. These are the 46th and 47th individuals medevac’d due to COVID-19.

New COVID-19 Cases
The 174 residents are in:
Akiachak, 1
Alakanuk, 2
Aniak, 1
Anvik, 2
Bethel, 27
Chefornak, 18
Chevak, 2
Emmonak, 3
Hooper Bay, 11
Kasigluk, 24
Kipnuk, 2
Kongiganak, 5
Kwethluk, 26
Kwigillingok, 3
Mekoryuk, 12
Mountain Village, 7
Napakiak, 1
Napaskiak, 2
Newtok, 1
Nunam Iqua, 1
Nunapitchuk, 9
Quinhagak, 4
St. Mary’s, 4
Toksook Bay, 3
Tuntutuliak, 2
YKHC service area village, 1

COVID-19 Updates and Community Information

Vaccinations: YKHC strongly encourages everyone 6 months and older to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and everyone ages 5 and older to stay up-to-date on their COVID-19 vaccinations. To learn more, visit

To schedule a vaccine or booster: In Bethel, please call (907)543-6949. In villages, please call (907) 543-6420.

COVID-19 testing: 

  • If you tested positive for COVID-19 on an at-home test, please call YKHC Contact Tracing team at 907-543-6420, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, to report your positive result.
  • For COVID-19 testing in villages, call your clinic. In Bethel,testing is available without an appointment on the first floor of the hospital. Binax tests are offered 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. PCR tests are available in the same location by request only during the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.  Please enter through the main entrance of the hospital.

Learn more: For more information about COVID-19 in the YK Delta, visit

YKHC tracks and monitors COVID-19 cases in the region, notifying communities and close contacts of infected individuals via phone daily. YKHC shares a weekly COVID-19 case statement on Mondays, which report updates from the previous Saturday through Friday. Should data indicate a significant increase in cases around the region, YKHC’s Incident Command Team will re-evaluate if changes are needed to the reporting schedule.
