YK Delta Boil Water Notices

UPDATED: January 24, 2025

The community water systems in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta listed below are currently under Boil Water Notice, issued by the State of Alaska Drinking Water Program, as of the date noted above.

Each water system is required to notify their consumers when boil water notices are issued. A boil water notice is issued by the State of Alaska if an event threatens public health via drinking water, and warrants immediate action by the public water system owner/operator (i.e. inadequate treatment, inadequate system pressure, confirmed E. coli detection, flooding, etc.).

YKHC is sharing this list so that necessary arrangements can be made to ensure that customers, staff and guests have access to safe drinking water while using YKHC facilities.

For additional information

To learn more, contact YKHC Department of Environmental Health and Engineering at

For the most current, state-wide listing of current boil water notices, visit the State of Alaska Drinking Water Program website.


No change this week.