My YKHealth

Office of Environmental Health & Engineering

We recognize the interaction between the environment and the impacts it has on human health. Our Office of Environmental Health & Engineering (OEHE) offers several programs to provide a safe and clean environment for our communities and region.

Environmental Health

Our Environmental Health Officers are dedicated to improving environmental health conditions in the YK Delta, with emphasis placed on helping our communities acquire and maintain sanitation facilities. Additional projects include: Environmental Consultation, Operator Training & Certification, Rabies Prevention and Control, Injury Prevention, Avian Influenza Sampling, Health & Safety Facility Surveys, and Health Education.

Injury Prevention & Emergency Medical Services

Dedicated to reducing the prevalence of unintentional injuries and injury-related deaths, our Injury Prevention efforts include operation of a gear shop (where we sell helmets, life jackets, gun cabinets, and more), as well as the delivery of injury prevention related projects and educational efforts. Our Emergency Medical Services (or EMS) program offers Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Emergency Trauma Technician (ETT), Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and first aid classes for Health Aides, providers, and community members. Our EMS program also serves as the Regional Headquarters for the State of Alaska’s EMS Program.

Remote Maintenance Worker Program

Four Remote Maintenance Workers (RMWs) provide training and technical assistance for the maintenance of water and sewer systems in 47 villages. RMWs average one to two trips per week to communities we serve to offer on-site assistance or respond to critical emergencies. The program averages 160 village trips per year.

Drinking Water Laboratory

The Drinking Water lab provides analysis of water samples for village, school, business and public water systems in the region. Approximately 1,400 water samples are analyzed each year.

Contact Information

Environmental Health:

Injury Prevention & Emergency Medical Services: 907-543-6085

Remote Maintenance Worker Program:

Drinking Water Laboratory: 