On September 15, YKHC reports one medevac and fifty-five new cases of COVID-19 in the YK Delta.
One Medevac
One COVID-19 positive individual was medevac’d out-of-region for hospitalization. This is the 29th individual medevac’d due to COVID-19.
New COVID-19 Cases
The 55 are residents in:
Akiachak (1)
Aniak (1)
Atmauluak (1)
Bethel (6)
Chevak (1)
Emmonak (1)
Kalskag (8)
Kasigluk (1)
Kipnuk (1)
Lower Kalskag (3)
Napakiak (14)
Newtok (5)
Pilot Station (1)
Scammon Bay (7)
Toksook Bay (4)
YKHC publishes case statements the morning following the day cases are identified. For example, positive cases from Monday will be announced Tuesday morning. Positive cases from Friday and the weekend will be published Monday. Whenever possible, YKHC will notify patients and call communities the day the cases are identified.
Drive-through COVID-19 testing is available in the parking lot in front of the CHSB, across the street from the hospital, 12:30-1:30 p.m., Monday through Saturday. All people who have symptoms of COVID-19 or are close contacts of known positive COVID-19 cases are encouraged to get tested at the mobile testing site.
COVID-19 testing is also available without an appointment in Bethel on the first floor of the hospital between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. Patients should enter through the main hospital doors (not the emergency room entrance) and indicate they are interested in a COVID test. “Close contacts” and people showing symptoms of COVID-19 can schedule testing by calling 543-6949. In villages, please call your local clinic.
Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 are advised to self-isolate while YKHC and the State of Alaska Section of Epidemiology conduct contact tracing, follow-up testing, and outreach. Individual case investigations are ongoing and information about specific transmission methods may not be available upon request.
YKHC continues to evaluate and provide revised guidance to help communities and individuals make decisions to stay safe during the ongoing pandemic. Updated guidance was published August 10. This guidance includes the recommendation that all people, regardless of vaccination status, wear a mask in any indoor public setting. Toview the complete document, visit https://www.ykhc.org/covid-19/resources/.
YKHC strongly encourages all people 12 years and older to get vaccinated against COVID-19. To schedule an appointment or learn more about the vaccine, visit https://www.ykhc.org/covid-19/vaccine/.
YKHC continues to urge the public to follow all guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19. COVID-19 spreads easily, even when someone does not have any symptoms. Even if your community has no positive COVID-19 cases, all people should continue to practice protective measures including: wearing a mask when in public, practicing regular handwashing, avoiding hosting or attending large gatherings, and frequently disinfecting high-touch surfaces.
Symptoms of COVID-19 may include fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, diarrhea, or diminished sense of taste or smell. If you have any of these symptoms, call your village clinic or in Bethel call 543-6949 so a health care provider can assist you. Do not go to your village clinic or to the emergency room in Bethel.
Get the latest information on COVID-19 from YKHC at www.ykhc.org/covid-19.