YKHC Remote Maintenance Workers (RMW) and Tuluksak workers were able to get water service back to the school early Friday, 2/19. The temporary system draws water from the Tuluksak river, and transfers it to the school where it is treated with a series of cartridge filters and chlorine before being distributed around the school.
Although treated, the water is considered non-potable at this point, and is primarily for providing sprinkler protection at the school, flush toilets, and showers.
Unfortunately, after turning the water back on at the school, several leaks were identified inside the school building. The Yupiit School District is actively working on repairs. Once made, the YKHC team will return to Tuluksak to help thaw water lines and help refurbish an old building to make a temporary washeteria for the community. Quanya YKHC RMWs Bob White, Allan Paukan, Bruce Werba and Shane McIntyre and the Tuluksak crew.