Through strategic efforts, YKHC has remained stocked with children’s liquid Tylenol, despite a nationwide shortage for the past several months. However, even with these efforts, which include ordering from multiple vendors and partnering with local, state and national organizations to identify sources, YKHC is likely to be out of stock of children’s liquid Tylenol periodically during the next few months, starting as early as this week. However, the national shortage of children’s liquid Tylenol will not affect the care we can offer our littlest customers.
As always, our expert providers will work with parents and guardians to ensure their babies and toddlers receive the treatment and relief they need. The pharmacy is in stock in alternative forms of acetaminophen, the active drug in liquid Tylenol, including pediatric suppositories and chewable tablets. Liquid ibuprofen is also available for children six months and older. (Please note: Aspirin and multi-ingredient drugs that contain aspirin should not be given to children under 18, especially if a child has flu-like symptoms. Parents should review the ingredients on any products given to children.)
Our pharmacy team orders liquid Tylenol daily from multiple suppliers. When we find a source, we reorder as aggressively as possible. We are working with other hospitals, the Alaska Hospital and Healthcare Association, the National Supply Service Center and others to identify new sources for ordering. We will continue to do this until the shortage is resolved, which is expected to happen later this spring when production increases and the end of cold/flu season causes demand to decrease.