YKHC releases updated COVID-19 guidance for communities and individuals

Following the recent release of updated recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), YKHC released new COVID-19 guidance for individuals and communities.

The guidance recommends certain preventative measures, such as staying up-to-date with COVID vaccinations and following guidelines for quarantine and isolation, for all communities and individuals at all times. Other mitigation strategies are suggested based on the transmission risk level in the community and an individual’s personal risk level.

Community COVID-19 transmission risk levels are assessed based on three factors: local case rates, new COVID-related hospitalizations and percentage of hospital beds occupied by COVID-19 patients. At times of medium and high risk, communities and individuals are encouraged to adopt additional mitigation strategies, such as masking and regular testing.  Since hospitalizations and deaths often follow outbreaks, communities, businesses and individuals may consider implementing additional strategies in response to a known or suspected outbreak, regardless of current transmission risk level, in an effort to suppress the outbreak.

Certain individuals, such as the elderly, people who are immunocompromised or are at high risk for severe disease, face higher personal risk from the virus. Those individuals and the people who care for them should consider taking extra precautions, regardless of community transmission rates. Recommendations include consistent masking in public, avoiding gatherings and using rapid tests for themselves and those who visit them.

To review the complete Community Advisory Update: Guidance for Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Individuals, dated March 11, please visit https://www.ykhc.org/covid-19/resources/

YKHC’s recommendations are based on guidance from the State and CDC, as well as stakeholder feedback. It also considers regional conditions in the YK Delta, such as transportation challenges, limited healthcare infrastructure, limited access to running water and sewer, and multigenerational housing. Guidance may change as the pandemic continues to evolve.

YKHC offers separate guidance for schools, which may differ from community guidance based on variables specific to the school setting. The most updated Recommendations for Schools is posted on YKHC’s website at: https://www.ykhc.org/covid-19/resources/.
