Green Ribbon Three Mile Walk or Run Race in Bethel on Sunday, October 1, 2023

The Yukon-Kuskokwim Health Corporation’s Behavioral Health Preventative Services and Family Infant Toddler (FIT) Program are excited to announce a three-mile race in honor of National Depression Education and Awareness Month beginning at 2 p.m., Sunday, October 1, 2023.

The Green Ribbon Three Mile Walk or Run Race is a free event. All individuals and families are invited to participate and no advance sign up is required. The starting line (which is also the finish line) will be at the Ice Classic Park, along the Kuskokwim River across from the First National Bank. The race course will follow the river down to Standard Oil Road, continue along the highway toward the hospital, down Old Hospital Road back to the river, and finish at the starting point. The course will be clearly marked for all participants.

October is Green Ribbon Month or National Depression Education and Awareness Month, which is recognized for the purpose of increasing understanding through education about how depression and other mental health issues impact people. It is also a time for people who live with depression and mental health issues to share their stories and coping skills to help others and decrease stereotypes and stigma.

The event will begin with a prayer by a local elder. This will be followed by a presentation about the Calricaraq program and a unique ceremony where participants will have the opportunity to toss some environmentally friendly green sand into the river. “The purpose is twofold,” states Peggy Skiba, YKHC’s FIT Coordinator. “The sand can represent the letting go of depression and choosing to live in the moment, and the other is doing this in remembrance of anyone you love and care about who is living with depression and/or mental illness.”

All participants will receive a raffle ticket at registration for drawings for prizes. Prizes will also be awarded to the top three male and female finishers. The award ceremony will take place 45 minutes after the start of the race.

Please come and join us October 1 by sporting a green ribbon in support of National Depression Education and Awareness Month.
